Jewelry For The Table – Flout Project
Table Object
A table is a data structure that organizes
information. A dining table is a family
structure that organizes the family. A dining
table acts as a system for a family. That every
person who sits around the table should pass
through the table rules. The object for this
table is a Mask that everyone needs to put
on their mask to be fitted around the table.
Placing a mask to cover each person mystery.
Project Aim
This project is called “FlOUT” which mans
disobey a law, rule, without trying to hide what
you are doing. The project aim is to encourage
the viewer about the understanding of bodies
around the dining table. And talk about the
idea of bodies obeying rules regard to culture
and religion.
concenpt statement
Flout project focus is on the relation of dining table and the
people around it. A dining table is an object that occurred
as a system which people around it needs to be eligible to
be able to sit there. To get that eligibility, people need to
pass through different frames such as culture and religion.
However, each body that sits around the table has its own
story and secret.
The headpiece for this project talk through the rules and
taboos around the table. The piece is influenced by mosque
shape; however, the minaret in the design of the headpiece
is upside down which is contrary